From Cincinnati to Huntington, Indiana
My Father is an incredibly thoughtful person, always coming up with great ideas of places to go or things to see.

Memorial Day Weekend: Southern Indiana
Photographs made while traveling across the Hoosier State.

Fading Advertisements: Columbus, OH and Indianapolis, IN
Two quick entires of fading signs in Columbus, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana.

Searching For the Time, Searching for The Chance to see a Historic Ship
I was sitting at my desk. On the main computer monitor: a combination of Lightroom, Bridge and Photoshop displaying photos in various stages of editing. On the secondary monitor: a browser window, providing real time GPS tracking of the USS LST-325 as it steamed towards Cincinnati. All around me half of my possessions were in organized piles on the floor, the others tucked away in boxes.

I-65 Pit Stop
The four story abandoned hotel has become a landmark off of I-65 in greater Lafayette, IN. Once the source of local pride, the deteriorating building has become an eyesore to the local community and an alluring pit stop for those passing by with exploration on the mind.

There Has to Be Something Better Than Buffalo Sauce Flavored Sunflower Seeds
It was a Monday night, exactly one week ago. I was sitting at my desk, just like I am now. I'm not hungry, but I keep dipping my hand into a bag of sunflower seeds I pulled out of the pantry. They're flavored with "Frank's Red Hot" sauce. They're not bad, they're not good. I don't eat sunflower seeds, but I've watched enough episodes of the X-Files to know how Fox Mulder cracks them open and drops the shells all over his wooden floors while he's thinking.
But I don't have wooden floors, I have carpet.

Operation Skywatch and the Outpost of Cairo, Indiana
"Our greatest hopes for peace lie in being so strong and so well prepared that our enemies will not dare attack. Every citizen who cooperates in "Operation Skywatch" as well as in other defense activities, is helping prevent the war none of us wants to happen."
- President Harry S. Truman, July 12, 1952.

The "Ghost Ship"
The slow, choppy waters erratically splash up against the obstruction, banging an offbeat rhythm onto an island of rusted steel. As the Ohio River flows toward the Mississippi, its waters make their way through the American Midwest. Roughly 25 miles downstream from Cincinnati, some of the water diverts to a gap on the southern shore into a creek and up against a ship that seems to have docked for the last time. It's a vessel that fought in two World Wars, served as a yacht, set the scene in a pop star's music video, carried one of the world's greatest minds, and shuttled tourists around the nation's largest city - all before it found itself left to be forgotten by time and history in the murky waters.

Who Was That Masked Man Anyways?
Any good story has a good beginning, an intro that hooks the reader. As I write this on the border of 3 A.M, I don't really have a "hook." I don't really have an angle. When I looked through the batch of photos I was about to post here, I realized that they made no cohesive sense.

Fun Spot (Former) Amusement Park and Zoo
An abandoned amusement park in northern Indiana brings back childhood memories.

Crooked Lake - Angola, Indiana
After spending the night in Ft. Wayne, Jeff and I woke up early to head out to Angola, Indiana, a place that held many childhood memories for us.