Full Take 2014: Every Photograph I Made In A Year
Usually at the end of a year I try (or at least intend) to make a final post on QC/D, something that kind of wraps up the year. Honestly, it's one of the most frustrating things to come up with. In past years there have been mixed results. For 2014, I decided to try something different.

Timelapse: A Foggy Night by the Big Mac Bridge
A time lapse thrown together of photographs while hanging out by the Big Mac bridge East of Cincinnati in the middle of the night. Image may take a few seconds to load.

Another Time Lapse and Changing Focus
Showed the last time lapse to some classmates during a critique and people seemed to like it. Working on a way to integrate them into the 224 Views of Cincinnati project. Maybe matte a tablet and play various time lapses on a loop? Definitely plan to shoot more of these.

"Sunrise" Timelapse
The skyline of Losantiville and a tree in Devou Park at dawn. Shot between 7:03 and 8:03 AM on 9/18/12.