Michigan 2017
Photographs and stories made while traversing the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.

Six Degrees of Abandoned Amusement Parks
Over the years, some of the most incredible abandoned places I've photographed have been defunct amusement parks. The six locations featured on this site all have a historical link to each other ...sort of.

Combat Stupendous Reunion Tour
Photographs from a road trip that somewhat reunited a high school band and took us from Cincinnati to ruins in Detroit to Lake Michigan and back.

How an Abandoned Zoo Made it to the Silver Screen
On October 7, "Real Steel" will hit theaters. Set in the "near future," the film stars that guy who played "Wolverine" in X-Men as a former boxer who now plays major league Rock'em Sock'em Robots in Detroit. That's what I gathered from the trailer and Wikipedia anyways.

The Mighty Motor City - Part 3: The National Theatre
In the 1960's, being able to communicate with others via a hand held device was the fantasy of Star Trek episodes.

The Mighty Motor City - Part 2: St. Agnes/Marty's of Uganda
It was the second stop of the day on our latest trip to Detroit, MI.

The Mighty Motor City - Part 1: Ferris Elementary
"Hide your 'whiteness,'" was a piece of advice uttered to me just before we crept through an open field that was once filled with kids enjoying their recess from school. "What? Really?" I replied to our guide.

It's So Cold in the D.
As I was driving on 75 North with Gozer, we joked about the homemade hip hop song and music video that became an internet sensation (and that this post is named after). One would hardly think that the monotone singing and offbeat lyrics are actually for a serious song about "T Baby's" deceased brother and infant son, hence why the "D (Detroit)" is "So Cold." Ironically for us though, the D would in fact be cold although in terms of temperature, not personal tragedy.

Summer Vacation in Detroit: Part 2
Part 2 of our 2009 summer trip to Detroit including an excursion to an abandoned zoo.

Summer Vacation in Detroit: Part 1
When you like exploring abandoned buildings, Detroit is your Disneyland.