Fading Ads of (Surf) Cincinnati
This sign is a bit different than those found in the book with a similar name to this post, but it meets the basic criteria. It also has some personal significance.

Fort Wayne
After a quick pass through of Fort Wayne in 2018, I wrote: “[this trip has been] another reminder that, despite all the times I've been to Fort Wayne in my life, I need to make a better effort to spend more time exploring that city. It's a great place in the Midwest.”
![[35mm Ohio] Clayton, Greenville, North Star, Celina, and The Temple of Tolerance](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1605579735797-BD8OP5ZC9JZ50JG0MI1H/image.jpeg)
[35mm Ohio] Clayton, Greenville, North Star, Celina, and The Temple of Tolerance
On the road with a Minolta XD-11 and roll of Kodak Ultramax 400.
![[35mm Ohio] Peak Summer](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1605580363407-67GPUH3QJZMNBM72COU8/image.jpeg)
[35mm Ohio] Peak Summer
On the road, but mostly around "home" with a Minolta XD-11 and Kodak Porta 400.
![[Fading Advertisements] US Bank Arena](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1605580405709-MIKIFR8OV6VLTPQ4A4WA/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] US Bank Arena
As a naming rights sponsor departs, the downtown Cincinnati indoor arena receives some new fading ads/ghost signs that complement its others.
![[35mm Ohio] "RN, like a nurse spells it"](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1605580909152-9M1KRNOXMDP10DR3C9I8/image.jpeg)
[35mm Ohio] "RN, like a nurse spells it"
It didn’t matter how much time I spent on the map, how many sources I had culled information from, how many friends I talked to, or how many recommendations I took to heart. I had the shape of Ohio formed via virtual pinpoints, destinations in every direction. But now, I couldn’t decide which direction to head. So the highway chose for me.
![[Fading Advertisements] German Banks, Carpet Cleaners, Sandwiches, and Coca-Cola](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606106120885-98MYL0CDYI04TTQGPJ85/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] German Banks, Carpet Cleaners, Sandwiches, and Coca-Cola
An update to a sign from the book and a few new ones to add to the ongoing log that I still get interested in from time to time.
![[Fading Advertisements] Nashville, Elizabethtown KY, Cincinnati, a PR Guru, and Pizza](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606106528357-EMUE6HLHP6E6AO7QQ0MN/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Nashville, Elizabethtown KY, Cincinnati, a PR Guru, and Pizza
Catching up on logging some fading advertisements I’ve seen around town and while traveling recently. A few “non-traditional” examples mixed in with the more common "paint on brick" theme.

Some of the Coolest Thank-You Notes I've Ever Recieved
A few weeks ago, I spoke to some kids at a local school about fading advertisements/ghost signs, my book from 2015, and the kind of work I've done here on QC/D for the past decade.
![[Fading Advertisements] Fort Wayne and Angola, IN](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606106839046-ZGIR9VZ8AYZHS4LAPOF9/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Fort Wayne and Angola, IN
A few ghost signs logged while on a recent, quick trip through Indiana. Only had some time for quick and casual research so if anyone familiar with Fort Wayne or Angola, Indiana history has some info to share, let it be known in the comments below.
![[Fading Advertisements] "The Other Place," From A Different View](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606107310907-YM1VX6ZW6T1D7M41TU7C/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] "The Other Place," From A Different View
"The Other Place" appeared in the book and can be seen if you walk the obscure College St. that runs from 6th to 7th between Race and Vine. I still haven't been able to figure out what the sign referenced, but while visiting the Terrace Plaza back in December, I got another look at the sign. It's one of my favorites in the city. Glad to see it's holding up so well.
![[Fading Advertisements] Indiana Stamp - Fort Wayne, IN](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606107860759-CCRRKFLMJWR3A33K1F9C/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Indiana Stamp - Fort Wayne, IN
Unlike many of the ads in the book and documented here, this one isn’t a remnant of hand painted advertising. Rather, it’s fading elements were from a former physical sign. When removed, the parts of the building protected from weathering by the sign left clues to what it once said. “Indiana Stamp” was about all I could make out when we passed through Fort Wayne, IN to see some family. I reached out a business of the same name to see if it had been their sign.
![[Fading Advertisements] The Winslow's Next Door Neighbor](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606355264036-SCAJID40U1Q5VYKWRNFC/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] The Winslow's Next Door Neighbor
Unlike a lot of the fading advertisements seen on this site and in the book, this one isn't still promoting a business long after it's gone. Rather, the arrow directs passersby to where they can find Ollie's Trolley hawking excellent burgers and a selection of other southern comfort foods ranging from ribs to deep fried fish.
![[Fading Advertisements] Beauty](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606355577635-E0VWOWO96QX0UVPMCD23/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Beauty
A few weeks back, I went to meet up with Die Innenstadt at Rhinehaus to catch one of the last FC Cincinnati games of the season. I parked around the corner and as I walked to the bar, I noticed this fading advertisement sitting in Wilkymacky Alley. The only legible word left is "beauty" with a white painted frame around it.
![[Fading Advertisements] Forgotten Frisch's](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606356021812-3ANAC5NHH1EOGO9MMPOA/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Forgotten Frisch's
Renovations rounding out the redevelopment of a downtown block bring some old signs back to life, each with their own unique story.
![[Fading Advertisements] Second National Bank? Hidden in Plain View](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606356462974-4WAKWGYZ6IK7KYXH1M46/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Second National Bank? Hidden in Plain View
On a street lined with one the largest collections of the city's fading advertisements, there's one I never noticed before.
![[Fading Advertisements] Another Sign Near The Dennison Hotel Building?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606356816184-S04DP2F7KWM9V1MYUGKK/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Another Sign Near The Dennison Hotel Building?
With the recent and controversial demolition of the former Dennison Hotel, a building once known for its recognizable fading advertisements, has another ghost sign been revealed?
![[Fading Advertisements] Boston](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606356968556-EZZJMT9KCFG038BT6CVT/image.jpeg)
[Fading Advertisements] Boston
A quick entry into the ongoing documentation of fading advertisements wherever I end up going.

Fading Advertisements: Richmond, VA
A couple of fading advertisements as seen in Richmond last year while passing through Virginia.

Fading Advertisements: Wheeling, WV
Ever since putting the book together about Cincinnati’s ghost signs, I’ve been seeing fading advertisements everywhere. Consciously or subconsciously, I’m always keeping an eye out and often come across them while traveling.