Michigan 2017
Photographs and stories made while traversing the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.

Postcards From Boston
I love Cincinnati dearly. I’ve been here all my life. I’ve helped support progress and have the utmost respect for those who also strive to see this city reach its true potential, whether it’s their lifelong or adopted home. I’ve been an advocate and preached the glory of the Queen City to all those who’ll listen, whether they be local naysayers, visitors, or people I meet while traveling. Every now and then though, I contemplate what it would be like to leave, go someplace else for awhile.

Concord, Massachusetts
Some quick photos from visiting Concord, MA for a few days and the modes of travel to get there.

Memorial Day Weekend: Southern Indiana
Photographs made while traveling across the Hoosier State.

Cleveland via the RTA
There's a feeling people get when they visit a place in their time off. Where they can picture themselves living there, caught up in the naivety that actual life in a place would be just like visiting on vacation. For me, I never thought I'd get that feeling with Cleveland, Ohio, that I'd find such an appreciation for this fellow midwestern city. Cleveland, however, lives up to the pride that so many people take in it.

A Day in Arch City
I hate the term "flyover city." There's more to the United States than just New York, Chicago and LA. There's also more to the United States than just its collection of major cities. Even while places such as Columbus, Indianapolis, Portland, my hometown of Cincinnati, et. all toil to define their identities and stand out, all places have elements that make them unique to an extent.

On Vacation
Currently on vacation in Northern Michigan. I'm writing, relaxing and returning soon with stories of Cincinnati history, fast food nostalgia, forgotten airports, suburbia, Dayton and men in prison. In the meantime, here's what the top end of the "Lower Peninsula" looks like.

From Lexington to Cincinnati
Traveling the 91 miles between Lexington, KY back home to Cincinnati, OH takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes if you take Interstate 75.
Backroads and frequent stops take the better half of a day.

"This is How You Know You've Arrived Somewhere"
I'm not sure where to begin or if it's even a story worth telling.

There Has to Be Something Better Than Buffalo Sauce Flavored Sunflower Seeds
It was a Monday night, exactly one week ago. I was sitting at my desk, just like I am now. I'm not hungry, but I keep dipping my hand into a bag of sunflower seeds I pulled out of the pantry. They're flavored with "Frank's Red Hot" sauce. They're not bad, they're not good. I don't eat sunflower seeds, but I've watched enough episodes of the X-Files to know how Fox Mulder cracks them open and drops the shells all over his wooden floors while he's thinking.
But I don't have wooden floors, I have carpet.

To "The Good Land" and Back
"In fact, isn't 'Milwaukee' an Indian name." asked Pete.
"Why yes, Pete, it is," replied Alice. "Actually, it's pronounced 'mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for 'the good land.'"

It's So Cold in the D.
As I was driving on 75 North with Gozer, we joked about the homemade hip hop song and music video that became an internet sensation (and that this post is named after). One would hardly think that the monotone singing and offbeat lyrics are actually for a serious song about "T Baby's" deceased brother and infant son, hence why the "D (Detroit)" is "So Cold." Ironically for us though, the D would in fact be cold although in terms of temperature, not personal tragedy.

Steel City Discovery
Like Cincinnati's cut-in-the-hill view on North 75 in Kentucky, Pittsburgh features a dramatic entrance. Cars crowd through suburban countryside and into the Fort Pitt Tunnel (seen above) into a mess of traffic and yellow light before emerging into a striking view of the Pittsburgh skyline.