Full Take 2014: Every Photograph I Made In A Year
Usually at the end of a year I try (or at least intend) to make a final post on QC/D, something that kind of wraps up the year. Honestly, it's one of the most frustrating things to come up with. In past years there have been mixed results. For 2014, I decided to try something different.
![[Kings Waffle] Chapter 3: The Waffle Kids](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606363534624-ZIS1W3NRFMSOCEJYIJ0O/image.jpeg)
[Kings Waffle] Chapter 3: The Waffle Kids
Americans have a love affair with diners, both in reality and in the way popular culture romanticizes them. The diner is a feature unique to the United States roadside. While the days of prefabricated stainless steel buildings have come and gone - the characteristics of the concept live on in the late hours of cuisine, counters, coffee and grease.
![[Kings Waffle] Chapter 2: The Diplomat, The Wizard, The Ambassador & The Man at the End of The Counter](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606363623300-8P143Z7WPJFG7YZTYX0R/image.jpeg)
[Kings Waffle] Chapter 2: The Diplomat, The Wizard, The Ambassador & The Man at the End of The Counter
The guy who rose to become king of the "waffle kids," a real life cowboy, a song with a distinct purpose and the one you always save a seat for.
![[Kings Waffle] Chapter 1: This is The Place](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606363641828-LT60R5KARGDBZFNITH5R/image.jpeg)
[Kings Waffle] Chapter 1: This is The Place
"You guys must come here a lot, no?" said the state trooper sitting at the low counter with us. "If this were a bar, we'd be drunks" I replied. He laughed before facing his palms to the sky and praying before his meal. It was a crude, unflattering answer, but probably the simplest way to describe how often we're here.
At the Waffle House.
"Kings" Waffle House to be specific.

Film: Seriously, It's Not Hard
I'm new here at QCD, and you may have noticed my photos have been shot on film. People talk about shooting film like it's coke habit. Expensive, unpredictable and harmful to your libido. I beg to differ.
![[Views of Cincinnati] Forms and Structure](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f4d8a25db85a54c4d64fe76/1606409502480-YGG5OSPT70V2TB8HP81F/image.jpeg)
[Views of Cincinnati] Forms and Structure
The skyline is the reality, the reminder. The sight of it breaks the illusion of the hilltop neighborhood being its own European village. The neighborhood is part of something greater, an integral part of the city. Just as one photograph can be part of a series created for a greater purpose.
Down a side street - the chaotically crossing power lines of an urban framework [forms] and the structured network of a skyscraper's crown [structure] silhouetted against the sky.

When Crosley was King
Before Crosley was the name of a stadium, Powell Crosley Jr.'s empire gave birth to the first commercially affordable radio, the "Nation's Station" 700 WLW, the first car radio and "soap operas.”

The Problem These Days is That Kids are Learning History Off The Walls of Applebees.
I feel my life is more in danger at the Kenwood Towne Centre on a weeknight than when I have an expensive camera around my neck in OTR and downtown at midnight.

An Atypical View at an Atypical Time: Great American Ballpark
A frustrating day - ready for baseball, so I took a walk around the ballpark. Different perspectives of the ballpark taken during a different time than when most people see it.

An Impulsive Tour of Chicago
I first went to Chicago on one of my favorite family trips ever when I was probably 10 or 11.