"They" Are Alive In The World
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

"They" Are Alive In The World

And “they” are “we,” as in: “wearealiveintheworld,” the street artists who's instagram bio states “we are no one you are everyone.”

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January - March 2019
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

January - March 2019

Photographs made between the end of January 2019 and the end of March 2019 that didn't have a place in a larger story or post.

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Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno


Went to Seattle over the weekend for FC Cincinnati’s inaugural Major League Soccer match.

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The Arena
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

The Arena

I was wrapping up photographs of the Showboat Majestic nearby, trying to get a clear shot of the boat from above. As I finished the day's assignment, I found myself walking around where the arena's plaza meets the bridge, making photographs of the ‘venue formerly known as the Riverfront Coliseum.’

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This is What a Blockbuster Looked Like...
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

This is What a Blockbuster Looked Like...

…for the most part.

These stores weren’t always filled with banners displaying slogans like “everything must go” and “entire store on sale.” In fact, the idea of a Blockbuster Video location closing was probably once thought to be preposterous.

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Fantasy Diner and Ice Cream Parlor
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

Fantasy Diner and Ice Cream Parlor

Twenty minutes down the road (and ten minutes late), I pulled up to what was once known as Fantasy Farm Amusement Park, while the few remains of another park—Americana/LeSourdsville Lake—stood in the distance.

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Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno


The Crescent Club wasn’t the Salty Dog Cafe, Pirahna Pete’s Oyster Pub, the Sneaky Tiki* or any other t-shirt hawking/Jimmy Buffet fantasy restaurant that might be real or something I made up. The place looked more like a nautical themed bar from the 70s, designed for a nostalgic period piece. Except it wasn’t created for a movie, it just was.

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October 2018 - January 2019
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

October 2018 - January 2019

I used to publish a monthly collection of photographs that didn't have a place in a larger story or post. Since July 2016, that was my routine. I decided to change things up, though, and just get around to publishing random collections of frames whenever I have some time.

No pressure, no artificial deadline imposed on myself.

So here are some photographs made between October 2018 and January 2019 that didn't have a place in a larger story or post.

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At The Carew Tower - January 5, 2019
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

At The Carew Tower - January 5, 2019

“I knelt down to my camera bag to change lenses, but in the spot usually reserved for a wide angle, I had the ring that we had picked out together. I hadn’t been nervous until the elevator ride up. I didn’t know what to say, but hoped I had said it in letters, actions, and conversations prior. I simply asked her—this person who means more than anyone could know, who understands better than anyone could—to marry me.”

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Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno


It seems as if I find myself doing this every December: going back and forth on whether or not to create a year-end post—some sort of a recap on the stories and photos published here on QC/D over the past 365 days. I usually end up doing it and it usually begins with a sentence similar to the one you just read.

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