Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno


On the outskirts of suburban Boston: a circle of rocking horses mimicking its prehistoric, pseudo-namesake in England.

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Two Taco Bells…
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

Two Taco Bells…

After the fast food giant abandoned two locations in favor of new ones just down the street—locals in Columbus and Cincinnati set up restaurants with much better food options.

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Appearance on “Get Better” with Josh Elstro
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

Appearance on “Get Better” with Josh Elstro

Josh Elstro and I used to work together. At our office, he was always tolerating my coffee break rants and stories. Apparently, my over-caffeinated nonsense never bothered him too much because now I get to call him my friend—and—he invited me to be a guest on his new podcast.

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Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno


Photographs made over five days in the 23rd US state.

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