35mm Ohio
When I first began taking a serious interest in photography as a teenager, digital cameras were just on the cusp of the mainstream. I had grown up with 35mm film and learned how to process/develop during an after-school club, but as I set off for college—digital SLRs were becoming the educational and professional norm. Nevertheless, I always retained a passing interest in film and occasionally brandished an old Nikon while seeking out the few local drug stores that still had film processing.
In 2018, the circumstances of my life began taking me around the state of Ohio regularly. Wanting to shake things up while reconnecting with the medium of physical film, I spent just over two years exclusively documenting these road trips via 35mm. What resulted was an exploration of my home state, its attractions, roadside culture, urban centers, suburban sprawl, and the rural environs between it all.
The photographs and writing from this project are currently in the process of being made into a new book and I continue to use 35mm film on a regular basis.
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