Unseasonably Warm

This past Friday was gorgeous, a lot nicer than January usually is in the Midwest. Not to echo a tired cliche about Cincinnati, but I'm sure we’ll get a few more rounds of light snow followed by gray skies and supermarket paranoia. It felt like spring was here for a day and if we’re lucky, maybe we won't have to wait till April to get above 50 degrees regularly. For at least one weekend though: birds were out, bees swarmed coffee, and you could sit on your deck writing QC/D posts in a t-shirt.

Here's some photographs from an unseasonably warm January day made on the Eastern edge of downtown while waiting for the bus to arrive.

- Mt. Adams with Gilbert Ave. viaduct. 

- Great American Ballpark as seen looking down Sycamore St. 

- Procter and Gamble Towers.

- Mt. Adams from Broadway.

- Mt. Adams from Broadway.

- Procter and Gamble Towers with Interstate 71 overpass. 

- Times-Star building beneath highways.

- Foliage free Mt. Adams and parking lots.

- Detail of Times-Star building.

- Gilbert Ave. viaduct approach to downtown. 

From the Archives Part 2: Shelter From the Weather or Nuclear Fallout?


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