

Moved back to Cincinnati a few months back and finally got my apartment set up the way I wanted it/into a space I enjoying existing in—so I made some photographs.

Book on the shelf is this one. Framed photos are of Tijuana, Havana, and Hawaii.

Book on the shelf is this one. Framed photos are of Tijuana, Havana, and Hawaii.

Waffle House paintings on the wall from this story.

Waffle House paintings on the wall from this story.

Best friend.

Best friend.

Mementos from when I worked at an amusement park. Doug on the left, best friends on the right. A retired wheel I worked on from “The Racer” and a piece of the “Son of Beast” loop signed by some of the folks who helped build the ride. The police scanner is part of a story for another time.

Mementos from when I worked at an amusement park. Doug on the left, best friends on the right. A retired wheel I worked on from “The Racer” and a piece of the “Son of Beast” loop signed by some of the folks who helped build the ride. The police scanner is part of a story for another time.

Soccer scarves and cool dog.

Soccer scarves and cool dog.


Back with some more substantial posting and stories soon.


Cincy on CineStill


Alameda Swap Meet and LA’s Chinatown