Atrium 2 Has a Helluva View

It was noon this past Sunday when my ringtone, the theme song to the tv sitcom "Roseanne," blared across the room as I rubbed my eyes and woke up to my morning, most other people's afternoon.

Casey Coston, a fellow streetcar supporter and broomball teammate, had invited myself and some other friends to check out the view from his office in the upper floors of Atrium 2.

With the completion of the 30 story Atrium 2 tower in 1984, the Atrium complex became perhaps the iconic symbol of Cincinnati's 1980's skyline.

Today, a new skyscraper is rising right next to it and the staggered, modernist balconies of the Atrium 2 tower provide an exclusive closeup view of not only Queen City Square's construction, but the surrounding area as far as your eye, or camera, can see.

Broadway Commons Before:

Broadway Commons After?:

Everyone's Favorite Abandoned Brewery:

Church of the Immaculata and St. Rose in the distance:


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The Forgotten Rail Station at Torrence Rd.